To have interesting content will create readership and usage of your online presence, whether that is a blog, a tweet, a facebook wall post or information on your company webpage. The evolution of the ninth store team has mirrored the evolution of our content production. So…. In the beginning we were pushers of static product centered […]
I suspect this topic has been written about excessively, however it was one of the Ninth Store team’s objectives in 2011 to really dive into analytics. As such several members of the team pull reports out of Google Analytics and format the reports into a PDF that can be shared with a wider group on […]
It is so very true that if you want to want to learn and gain greater understanding of a topic, teach it. I have personally applied this advice over and over in my career. It began with my pursuit of a professional designation in Project Management (PMP Project Management Professional). I created and taught internal […]
Creating content for content sake can help you with search engine optimization if you know how to stuff keywords effectively. But unless the content is remarkable and provides value to the reader in a quick efficient manner, your readers will not come back. Your content will not be sticky. People go online for basically two […]
Unique Value Proposition -or finding your message, or your call to action or yelling and selling (converting) online. When you are creating a page online or any marketing message for that matter which is not just doing general recognition branding; you need to have a UVP. What is a UVP? Online a UVP is a […]
“there lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail” -Ulysses: Lord Alfred Tennyson It is easy to say ”let’s go!” and loosely pontificate about what could and should be done with vague but impressive stats and ideas. Many an executive will give such direction in regards to a business unit or project or a website. […]
The web user will ultimately “feel” a business and its approach to the world through the website. Not my words, the words of Gordon Montgomery a lecturer from the University of San Francisco. I agree, and the responsibility of the marketing manager is to give a holistic and realistic feel for the business through the […]
With any project, task or event that you are assigned to accomplish/execute the most important key to success I have found is to manage expectations. It may seem trite to write such, but I believe it is critically important. While defining the scope of a project is a critical success factor for the effective execution […]
Build us a website! “Great!” I thought..but wait. What I believe a website is and should be and could be and what the top level executives at Flaman Group of Companies think a website is and should be are worlds apart. They wanted a static brochure website. They believed a website is just a bunch […]
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