Five Phases needed to enhance your Digital Experience
Learn about the phases for optimizing your digital marketing and overall digital experience
Learn about the phases for optimizing your digital marketing and overall digital experience
The short answer is it depends. Tech Stack originated in the software development community but has since evolved, and a quick google search yields the following definition: “A tech stack is defined as the set of technologies an organization uses to build a web or mobile application. It is a combination of programming languages, frameworks, […]
Today as I look at the overall retail and service landscape, I see organizations failing to meetcustomer expectations. The list of storied brands shutting down locations is enormous. In 2017 alone, over 5,000 stores of major retailers were closed: Sears and Kmart closed 358 stores, JC Penney 138 stores, Macy’s 68 stores, Payless Shoes emerged […]
I would really appreciate your feedback!. After years of speaking about the customer journey and the metrics to measure it, I am writing the book that will make the entire methodology available to entrepreneurs and business leaders. Title is: “Thriving in the Customer Age” And here is the ask. Help me pick the best cover […]
A little while ago I had to get a reference check for a non-profit board I serve on. I audibly groaned at the thought, but it needed to be done. My perception versus the reality of what occurred was night and day, in fact I could say I was delighted by the experience with the […]
Many will say a great customer journey is accomplished with great customer service at every touch point of that journey. Many experts say that creating a great customer experience is simple, you just need to genuinely care about your customer. If it’s so simple, why are so many brands falling down? Perhaps it is because […]
the four stages of the customer journey, it is outlined in this blog. This week I am starting with a B2C service brand. To kick start the critique, this is my Net Promoter Score for the brand in question: On a scale of 1- 10; 1 being the least likely and 10 being the most likely, […]
Unless you have been living under a rock, all organizations know that focusing on customer experience is the single initiative that brands can do to differentiate themselves in the marketplace and create value. This need is not just for service or retail organization but all organizations, including fabrication, manufacturing even the non profit sector. An entire industry […]
Topic: Customer Experience, Customer Journey, Speaking
As I look at the retail and service landscape, I see organizations failing to meet customer expectations. The reasons are many: the customer can now educate themselves better than what most in-store representatives can provide. A retail store is limited by the brands they offer versus the brand that a customer may want. The store […]
In 2017, retail brands are scrambling to differentiate themselves. There is still some product exclusivity left but for the most part, product X can be replaced by product Y. This then just leaves price and the customer experience as ways for companies to stand out from their competitors. Customer experience is the key to making your […]