Posted by Steve Whittington on September 2, 2012
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To be creative requires a moment of insight or a flash of brilliance in order to create a marketing campaign that captures the customers’ hearts and minds and engages at a grand new height with the company. Sure, this does occur to some extent. For the Ninth Store team Stuck in the Muck was such […]
Topic: Analytics, Blogs, Creative Writing, Defining A Brand, Defining The Scope Of A Project, Managing Creativity, Marketing, Marketing Mix, Marketing Series, Mobile, Project Management, Social Media
If you could look at a trend in the last few years, many pundits have been claiming the end of traditional marketing as we know it is upon us. The debate rages, but I believe this is not a zero sum game for most companies. I believe that a company needs to have a mix […]
Topic: Advertising, Blogs, Branding, Call To Action, Inbound Marketing, Marketing Mix, Marketing Series, Mobile, Outbound Marketing, Print, Publishing Content, Radio, Social Media, Web
Unique Value Proposition -or finding your message, or your call to action or yelling and selling (converting) online. When you are creating a page online or any marketing message for that matter which is not just doing general recognition branding; you need to have a UVP. What is a UVP? Online a UVP is a […]